ART and SOUL Group. Exploring feelings through creative expression. Weekly drop-in group open to all Fraser House clients. Tuesdays: 10:30am to 12:00pm.
All supplies will be provided. To inquire please contact reception at:604-826-6810 or email: cass@fraserhouse.org
Open Group Drop-in sessions
MINDFULLNESS Skills Training for relapse prevention
WEDNESDAYS 3:00 - 4:00pm
Inquire at Fraser House reception 604-826-6810 or email: Lee@fraserhouse.org
Write your story !
Self discovery through journaling Group session
April 9 - September 3, 2025
Every Wednesday 5:30 - 7:00pm
For more information or to register contact Keith StJean at keith@fraserhouse.org

Shared Wisdom Drop-In Group
This group is a safe space for people are 19+, are clients of Fraser House Society, and would like to share and gather wisdom within a supportive group environment.