School-Based Prevention and Health Promotion
The School Based Prevention and Health Promotion Program seeks to reduce the harms caused by the use of alcohol and other drugs by providing information, open dialogue and conversations to further the students inherit skills and resiliency factors. Georgina visits classrooms of grades 3 to 10, and is involved in community activities and events as well.
It is within the school environment that the greatest potential exists to capitalize on the energy of adolescents and direct that toward positive lifestyle development. The school is therefore the desirable location for comprehensive, continuous, and age appropriate alcohol and drug prevention services targeting youth within our community. The overall objective of the prevention and health promotion program is to create positive, respectful connections with our young people: encouraging them to remember their rights, their value, and their skills. Our school based prevention program is based on key contributing factors from teachers, parents, students and the community at large. This provides a means of collaborating with parents, teachers, community, children and youth.. As the contributing factors are identified, specific, measurable, realistic objectives are developed for , increasing positive outcomes. This is an on-going process due to the fluidity within the target group.
The Elementary School/Community Prevention and Health Promotion Program addresses the promotion and prevention priority. Designed to raise awareness and educate children about potential health, social and personal effects, the program also promotes supportive environments and healthy behaviors. Addressing issues around decision making and self esteem, the program aims to build resiliency in children. Fraser House Society has developed a seven session prevention program based on best practices to help increase elementary students’ awareness of self promoting empowerment. Mission School District #75 has recognized this need and has invited Fraser House staff to provide the harm reduction project to elementary students in grades three to six. The program further offers drug and alcohol presentations and information to community groups, other agencies and members of the general public upon request.
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